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Ideas for Library/Information Assignments

Web vs. Page 1+

Assignment: Provide a search topic to students. Have students search for relevant information using the web and then using the library database Page 1+. Have students compare the results from the two searches.

Popular vs. Scholarly Articles

Assignment: Have students compare two articles on the same topic, one from a popular magazine and one from a scholary journal, in terms of content, bias, style and audience.

Quick Links to Forms

Use the following links to quickly access common library services and forms.

Information Literacy = Critical Thinking & Lifelong Learning

The Library is dedicated to ensuring that graduates of Georgian College achieve an appropriate level of information literacy (IL) following the Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.

"Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning." (ACRL, 2014)

To Google or not to Google?

To Google or not to Google?Want your students to use more than Google?

Connect them to a Program Research Guide that highlights:

  • Subject Specific Databases
  • Credible Web Resources
  • Current e-Books
  • Contact info for subject-area specialist

Georgian College Information Literacy Study

A Georgian College study examined 500 students' perceptions and attitudes toward information literacy and tested their research in critical analysis skills.

Study Highlights:

  • 72.6% of students stated that it is important to find the author or source of a web page (Survey 1)
  • 95.5% of students admitted to using phrases & sentences of others without giving credit to the author (Survey 1)
  • 97% students claim to use online sources to find current information
  • Most students reported feeling anxious about performing research (Survey 1)

Information Literacy Competency Standards for Students: A Measure of the Effectiveness of Information Literacy Initiatives in Higher Education

Author: Amanda Duncan (Institutional Researcher) & Jennifer Varcoe (Special Projects Librarian) at Georgian College

Published by: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO)

Collaborate with a Librarian

The Library offers a variety of information literacy and library instruction services, such as:

  • Library research orientations tailored to program assignments

Book a session with a Librarian  to collaborate on assignment ideas, plan an instructional session, or discuss new program resources.

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