Frequently Asked Questions

Student FAQs

Everything asks for my student email address! I don't know what it is.

It is confusing. You login to the student portal, Banner, student mail, and Blackboard using your network login. It's explained here on the Information Technology page.

Your student email address - what people see when they get an email from you - looks like this: However, some of our students have the same names so your email address may look a little different. Use this tipsheet to see how to find your student email address.

I don’t have my course textbook. Do you know where I might find one?

Textbooks can be expensive but are really important to support your course material. We’ve been able to identify a few solutions:

  1. Georgian Store is open for online orders
  2. Search Facebook groups for used books: Orillia Georgian College Book Exchange, Georgian College Barrie Book Swap, Georgian College Used Textbooks, GCSA Owen Sound Book Share. Students post their used texts or post as wanted
  3. The library has an open educational resource (OER) guide that offers a search engine and suggestions for some subjects. These might not be your textbook but an OER could have the same or similar content.

How do I get started with research?

  1. Check your program research guide
  2. Here's our list of databases
  3. Use Google Scholar
  4. Use the web but review the source
  5. Evaluate what you find
  6. Cite what you use

Still not sure how to do research? Check out the Doing Research guide

Or check out The Learning Portal's Research hub.

How do I access library resources from off campus?

You will use your network login information.

If you have already logged into Georgian's network, you won't need to enter that information again unless you have closed your web browser.

How can I get research help?

You can visit us in-person, make an appointment with a research help staff member, or email us, or use our Live Chat online research service.

Check out all the ways you can connect and get research help here.

When is Live Chat (online research help) available?

Live Chat research help is available during Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters. Available service hours depend on the semester. Check our website for service hours.

Between semesters, Georgian library staff offer online research help via Live Chat Monday to Friday. Check our website for service hours.

How can I find ebooks?

We have several eBook databases.

In addition, when searching Page 1+, you can limit your search result to eBooks by selecting "Available online" found under "Availability", then also check "Books" found under "Resource Type"

Page 1+filters for ebooks. "available online" & "books" highlighted

I have books from the library. How do I return them? Will I have overdue fines?

You can return any resources to the Barrie, Orillia, or Owen Sound libraries during our open hours. We aren't charging any fines.

Can I get copies of articles that Georgian doesn’t have?

Yes! We can provide items through our Get It Free! (interlibrary loan) service or email us directly. There may be some resources we cannot provide.

I need to cite my sources using APA 7th edition. Help!

You’re right, you need to cite all the sources you use in your assignments. Here are some options:

  1. Use the Library’s Citing guide. Our revised 7th version is available
  2. Contact our Writing Centre. They offer both paper feedback and email assistance.
  3. The APA Style website is an excellent source of information as well. They have many examples and instructional aids. We use them all the time.

Can I borrow my textbook from the course reserves at the library?

Textbooks can be expensive but are really important to support your course material. Course reserves are available at the libraries. Some courses have textbooks on reserve. We’ve been able to identify a few other solutions:

  1. Georgian Store is open for online orders
  2. Search Facebook groups for used books: Orillia Georgian College Book Exchange, Georgian College Barrie Book Swap, Georgian College Used Textbooks, GCSA Owen Sound Book Share. Students post their used texts or post as wanted

Note about used textbooks: Some textbooks are purchased with a code to access online content. This code has probably already been used and is no longer valid if you get a used textbook.

Printing FAQs:

How do I print?

  • From a library computer

    • From Word, Excel, etc., choose File, then Print
      • ​Tip: You may need to download your file first before printing.
    • Select the STUDENT_FindMe Printer
    • Walk to any designated student printer
    • Tap your plastic ONEcard on the reader
    • Follow the instructions on screen
  • From your device (PDFS only)

How much does it cost to print?

Printers are set to double-sided printing. To print on one side only, select single-side printing at a library computer.

Single Sided Page Costs:
  8.5 x 11 8.5 x 14 11 x 17
Black & White $0.10 $0.10 $0.20
Colour $0.30 $0.30 $0.60
Double Sided Page Costs:
  8.5 x 11 8.5 x 14 11 x 17
Black & White $0.18 $0.18 $0.38
Colour $0.58 $0.58 $1.18
Plotter Costs:
  Plotter (max. width: 36")
Black & White $1.35 per linear foot
Colour $1.35 per linear foot

Printing Word files, PDFs, Powerpoints

How do I print PDFs?

Slides are saved in PDF format? You can still print them with multiple slides on one page.

  • In the PDF document, select Print.
  • Under Page sizing & handling, select multiple and specify how many pages to print on one sheet.
  • You'll see a preview on the right hand side of the page
To print multiple pdfs per page, select Multiple button and define pages per sheet.

How do I print PowerPoints with multiple slides?

Printing PowerPoint handouts with multiple slides per page can help save you money AND give you a nice area to take notes!

  • Select Print in your PowerPoint document
  • Look for the Settings area.
  • Select the area that says "Full Page Slides"
  • Change to the number of slides you'd like to print per page
To print multiple powerpoint slides per page, select Full Page Slides, then select how many slides per page.

Printing Single-sided

How do I print single sided?

In Microsoft office products, select "File" from the menu and "Print":

  • Look for "Print on both Sides" on the print menu popup
  • Use the dropdown menu to select "Print One Sided"

College printers default to double sided. You will need to change the printer settings manually each time you print.

Under Print settings, choose Print One Sided.

How do I use Webprint?

For PDF's and Word documents only. Go to to Webprint. To login, use your network login and password.

How do I print if I forgot to bring my plastic ONEcard?

Students can release their print jobs without their ONEcard by logging into the printer. To do this select "Username/password" from the display on the printer and enter your login information, then select the jobs you would like to print.

What if I don't have a plastic ONEcard?

Full or part-time students can request a plastic card if you don't have one.

Full or part-time students at the Barrie, Orillia and Owen Sound campuses can visit the Office of the Registrar. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. For students at the Orangeville, Midland, Muskoka and South Georgian Bay campuses, you can request your card online at

How do I check my printing balance and transaction history?

You can either go to:

How do I load/check flex dollars on my ONEcard?

Find instructions for loading money onto your ONEcard on the Georgian ONEcard website.

How do I photocopy?

You can use copy functions at designated printers:

  • Tap your plastic ONEcard on the reader
  • Scan your copy job
  • Start printing

How do I get a printing refund?

The Library will provide refunds for:

  • Streaked or faded toner
  • Paper jams
  • Damaged paper

Show your damaged or streaked paper to library staff to discuss a refund

There are two ways to get refund.

1. See staff at the Customer Service Desk

2. Email Refunds are provided at staff discretion.


Copyright FAQs

I’m a professor. Can I scan some information to make it available to my students on Blackboard?

We can help with this! Contact us through our copyright team email with details about the information you'd like to make available. We will determine if it can be posted in Blackboard, provided through eReserves, or accessed in another way.

As a professor, can I post additional/ancillary resources from the publisher of our required textbook on Blackboard?

Most publishers will allow you to share the content as long as it is a required textbook. Contact us through our copyright team email to confirm that your textbook’s publisher allows this..

Does the library offer professors any options or services for placing course materials on reserve?

Yes! The library offers both print and eReserves. Contact us through our copyright team email and tell us what you'd like. We'll figure out the details.

I have found an image from a website. Can I use it in my slides or lessons for class? What about images in library databases?

Images found on the web can have a variety of copyright or open licensing permissions. The library also has databases with images that you may be able to use. Contact us through our copyright team email for guidance.

I want to use a video from one of the library's streaming databases. Do I have to add anything for copyright?

Video streaming collections from the library are licensed for use by Georgian staff, students, and faculty for educational purposes. We recommend that you include a citation to acknowledge the source. If you want to access streaming links from off campus, check with us about creating persistent links.

I'm a professor teaching an online course, and I would like to show a film in my class, what can I do?

Contact us through our copyright team email and include the title of the video you would like to use. We will find out what options are available.

I would like to show a YouTube video in class. Is this allowed?

YouTube is a great educational video source but there are some steps to take first. To ensure copyright compliance, you need to determine who owns the rights to the video posted. We're happy to help you determine this. Contact us through our copyright team email.

Interlibrary Loan FAQs

What is interlibrary loan?

Interlibrary loan is a free service where you can request a resource that Georgian libraries may not have access to. The library does its best to locate the resource for you from another library.

How do I request an item through interlibrary loan?

In some of our databases, you'll see a link to "Get it free" or "Request an article". Copy the citation information, click on the link, and complete the form. You can also request an item by filling out this form or by emailing Please include the full citation for the item being requested.

What if I do not have all the citation information required on the interlibrary loan form?

Ask our research help staff or email for assistance.

Why am I required to use my Georgian email address to place an interlibrary loan request?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service available for current Georgian students and employees only. Your Georgian email is used to verify you are a current member of the college. Requests made with other email accounts may not be processed. If you don't know your Georgian email address, check here.

If I request an article, how long does it take to receive it?

Articles are usually quick to receive. It depends on how quickly the other library fills the requests. State on the ILL request form the last possible day you need the article by, which is usually before your assignment is due. As soon as we receive it, we will email it to you.

Can I borrow my textbook on interlibrary loan for the semester?

No, textbooks are not borrowed through interlibrary loan. Please see Georgian Stores to purchase your textbooks or check with your professor to see if it is on eReserves.

Can I request a book through interlibrary loan?

Yes! Complete this form with all of the information.

Can I request an eBook through interlibrary loan?

Unfortunately, no. There is no system available that will allow the loaning of eBooks to other libraries. We would be happy to help you find another book or eBook on your topic from our collection. Connect with our research team for assistance.

How do I cancel my interlibrary loan request?

Email and we'll take care of it.