Reading eBooks from the Library Collection

Wondering how to download library eBooks to your devices? Start here!

Library & Academic Success

Library & Academic Success

Library &<br/>Academic Success


""Read Online

  • Most eBooks available in library databases can be read on any internet-connected device, by using the "read online" or the PDF full-text button.
  • Once you've logged into the Library databases using your Georgian login, you can read eBooks online.
  • eBooks will appear (if available) alongside other resources in any Page1+ search results, or you can search for them specifically (see database list below for suggestions

You can search for eBooks specifically in the following databases

We recommend that you use the "Read Online" option or PDF full text options within any database to access eBooks.

Want to download eBooks?

You will need to

  • set up an account within each individual database
  • download software to read the book offline.

An overview of how to download books in some of our most popular databases is available below.

Video source: EBSCO Tutorials. (2022, December 1). Downloading EBSCO eBooks - tutorial [Video]. YouTube.

This video outlines the process for downloading eBooks from:

  • eBook Collection
  • eBook Academic Collection
  • PsychBooks

To download books, you will need:


Video source: Jerome Library. (2023, December 8). Accessing eBooks in ProQuest eBook Central [Video]. YouTube.

The video above shows the process for downloading books from EBook Central (formerly Ebrary).

To download eBooks from this collection, you will need: