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By Mo Thunder Bedard adapted from Georgian's Indigenization Strategy 2022-24
The graphic above is a portion of the complete image created by Mo Thunder Bedard and found in Georgian's Indigenous Strategy, 2022-24. The full image represents an arbour typically situated at the centre of a pow wow dance arena. It provides shelter and cover for the drums, drummers, elders, dignitaries, and master of ceremonies. It is also a focal point for participants. The pow wow spirit and sound flows from the centre hub. Within Georgian's Indigenous Strategy, the arbour represents the work toward relationships, self-determination, and the strategies that will lead to student success.
Indigenization refers to the infusion of Indigenous ideas, values, peoples, symbols, esthetics, procedures and an authentic history into an organization so that it is a product of Indigenous imaginations and aspirations. Georgian College has made Indigenization a priority and aims to enrich our college community with as much Indigenous culture and knowledge as possible.
Georgian's Land Acknowledgement
Indigenous Education Protocol (CICan) (Georgian is a signatory)
Truth and Reconciliation Trail (Orillia campus)
Want to create a personalized land acknowledgement? Go to Native Land to discover which First Nations and treaties are specific to your location.
For information on the student version of 4 Seasons of Reconciliation, visit the Centre for Teaching and Learning Knowledge Base.
Chippewas of Rama First Nation
Orillia Native Women's Group (ONWG)
Barrie Native Friendship Centre
Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre
Barrie South Simcoe Metis Council
Beausoleil (Christian Island) First Nation
Wahta Mohawk Territory
Dufferin County Cultural Resource Circle
Looking for other local First Nations communities? Check out First Nations Communities in Ontario.
Emma Greenfield - Centre for Teaching and Learning, Faculty Developer: Indigenous Teaching Guide
Indigenous Services @ Georgian
Available at Barrie, Orillia, and Owen Sound
Available at Barrie, Orillia, and Owen Sound
Available in Barrie and Orillia
Available at Barrie
Available at Barrie and Orillia
Available at Barrie, Orillia, Owen Sound, and Midland
Available in Orillia
Available at Barrie
Ebook. Also available at Barrie and Orillia
Available in Orillia.
Available at Barrie
Available in Barrie
Available in Barrie
Available at Barrie and Owen Sound.
Available in Barrie
Available at Orillia and Owen Sound in J Non Fic
Ebook. Also available at Barrie, Orillia, Owen Sound, and Midland campuses.
Available at Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Owen Sound
Ebook. Also available at Orillia
Available at Orillia and Barrie
Available at Orillia and Owen Sound in J Non Fic
Available at Orillia and Owen Sound J Non Fic
Available at Orillia and Owen Sound
Available at Orillia
Available at Barrie
Streamed video
Streamed video
Streamed video
Streamed video and DVD copy
4 parts; Streamed video; DVD
Streaming video - )First Nations Film)
Streaming video
Streaming video
Streaming video
Streaming video
Streaming video
Streaming video