On Campus Access to Library Databases
- ABI/INFORM Collection - Covers topics like economic conditions, corporate strategies, management theory, management techniques, business trends, and more. Access over 1000 full text journals and over 400 full text trade publications. Search by NAICS code, type of document (e.g. case study), location, industry classification, and more. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Academic OneFile - Has coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Academic Search Premier - Comprehensive index of scholarly journals with focuses on social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies. Permitted Uses: License Info
- ACM Digital Library - A comprehensive collection of full-text articles and bibliographic records, covering the fields of computing and information technology. Permitted Uses: License Info
- ACT (Animal Care Technologies) Online Training - Videos produced by top veterinary experts that educate and empower entire veterinary teams. Student access provided by program faculty.
- Aesthetic Video Source - Education videos for spa & beauty professionals.Users may experiences problems when multiple users access simultaneously.
- Alt Health Watch - This database carries over 160 international, peer-reviewed and professional journals, magazines, proceedings and association & consumer newsletters with focuses on the many perspectives of alternative, complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Archives (see Georgian's Archives) -
- Art & Architecture Complete - Art & Architecture Complete is an art database which provides full-text art journals, magazines and books. It covers fine, decorative, and commercial art, photography, as well as architecture and architectural design. Permitted Uses: License Info
- ASME Digital Collection - The ASME Digital Collection (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) provides current and authoritative peer-reviewed content in mechanical engineering and related engineering fields such as renewable energy, boiler and pressure vessels, building and construction, manufacturing and processing, robotics and mechatronics, automotive systems and computer information in engineering. The ASME Digital Collection includes: ASME's Transaction Journals from 1959 to the present, ASME's Conference Proceedings from 2000 to the present and ASME eBooks selected from 1993 to the present.
- atDove.org - Over 450 short procedural veterinary training videos showing treatment skills, surgical procedures, laboratory practices, anesthesia and more. All procedural videos are with real patients, cases and hospital staff at Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital. Student access provided by program faculty.
- Audiobook Collection - Offers more than 16,000 audio books on such topics as business, health, and medicine are searchable and downloadable. They are compatible with all smartphones. You will need to create a free EBSCOhost account to download audio files.
- Business Collection - A comprehensive collection that covers company profiles, investment reports and forecasts for US and international companies and industries prepared by Wall Street and international brokerage firms. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Business: Insights - Search for company profiles, industry profiles, and more. Easily modify your search to focus on trade, magazine, or journal articles, Complements our other business databases and sources
- Business Source Complete - This is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition to the searchable cited references provided for more than 1,200 journals, Business Source Complete contains detailed author profiles for the 20,000 most-cited authors in the database. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Canadian Directory to Foundations and Corporations - Now called Grant Connect. Lists over 3,100 foundations that make grants to registered charities and includes over 90,000 indexed grants and 150 corporation listings.
- Canadian Industry Statistics - Analysis of Canadian industry data. Various data available including financial performance of the sector, access to company directory listings, and trade information. Previously called Strategis.
- Canadian Points of View Reference Centre - Provides Canadian context for a variety of research topics and clearly illustrates differing points of view to help start research projects and opinion papers. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Canadian Reference Centre - Comprehensive collection of Canadian and international magazines such as Macleans, Scientific American, newspapers and news wires such as the Toronto Star, as well as reference books and company information, biographies and an image collection. This database also includes a Canadian Dictionary. Permitted Uses: License Info
- CanLII - Free online Canadian case law.
- CARD - On Campus Access Only. Canadian media information, including: advertising rates and related data for Canadian newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations; includes selected International media. To see definitions of CARD's filters, select the black exclamation icon above. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Career Cruising - To maximize your experience, be sure to create your own login & password within career cruising - use the My Account button. Permitted Uses: License Info
- CCOHS [Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety] - CCOHS [Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety] website provides information on all aspects of occupational health and safety. Access Canadian legislation and standards, MSDS, CHEMINFO, FTSS, RTECS®, OSHLINE™ with NIOSHTIC®, HSELINE, CISILO, Canadiana. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Childcare Exchange Videatives - Off-campus access is allowed.
- CINAHL Ultimate - Definitive research tool and one of the most comprehensive sources of full text journal articles for nursing and allied health professionals, students and educators. It contains many of the most used journals to support nursing and health-related curricula. Provides information on aspects of nursing practice, theory, care and health promotion. It also includes the curation of open access (OA) journals.Full text coverage back to 1937 and includes access to dissertations, magazines, and evidence-based care sheets.
- CINAHL PLUS with Full Text - Considered the definitive index for professional nursing journals. Includes healthcare books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, and standards of practice. Includes Pre-CINAHL (newly published journal articles with limited bibliographic information and no subject searching). Permitted Uses: License Info
- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - Produced by the Cochrane Collaboration, provides systematic reviews of the effects of health care.
- collect - Search OCLS Collect - the central library collection of the 24 colleges in Ontario.
- Communication & Mass Media Collection - U.S. Centered this collection provides online access to those whose primary focus is advertising, public relations, communications, literature writing and marketing. This collection contains over 6,000,000 articles published from 1980 to present. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Compendium of Pharmaceuticals & Specialties (CPS) - Compendium of Pharmaceuticals & Specialties (CPS), E-CPS, drug therapy & patient care. Please note, your browser must allow pop ups. Database times out after 30 min. Not Mac compatible. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Compendium of Veterinary Products - [NACCVP] (online) - Comprehensive reference that includes detailed prescribing information for approved pharmaceuticals, biologics and other products. You can search by manufacturer or product name.
- Computer Database - Access periodicals on the computer, telecommunications and electronics industries. Permitted Uses: License Info
- comScore - For access, contact Research Help staff for login & password information. ComScore measures digital space - Georgian subscribes to the AdMetrix, Mobile Metrix, and Media Metrix modules that measure website usage. The data is of use to advertisers & agencies, industry players and those involved in competitive analysis. comScore is a tool used to identify where [the websites] an advertiser ran ads for specific products [including creatives used in the campaign]; top advertisers within an industry, and their related products.
- Conference Board of Canada - Applied research on Canadian Trade, Education, Health, Human Resource Management, Energy, Tourism Coverage, Transportation, and more. Off campus access requires users to set up an account on the Conference Board website. You must use your Georgian email for the account.
- CPA Canada Handbook - CPA Canada Handbook is the principal authoritative reference for policy on accepted accounting practices in Canada. The handbook is prepared and published by the Chartered Professional Accountants Canada.
- CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB) - These Accounting and Assurance Standards are based on the International Financial Reporting Standards and other International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) publications.
- CPI.Q - Canadian Periodical Index covers Canadian and international journals, magazines, newspapers and other references from 1988 with full-text from 1995. Includes selected sections on full-text of Globe and Mail from 1997. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Criminal Justice Collection - This database includes a selection of criminology, law, political science, and criminal justice periodicals. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Criminal Justice Periodicals - Search a comprehensive collection of U.S. and international criminal justice journals, including information for professionals in law enforcement, corrections administration, drug enforcement, rehabilitation, family law, and industrial security. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Criterion on Demand - Online access to selected feature films.
- CSA OnDemand - The CSA OnDemand database offers access to the full text of all standards, codes, guidelines and handbooks published by the Canadian Standards Association. Areas covered include construction, engineering, electrical, energy, health and safety, environmental and more. Note: Downloaded PDF documents must be opened using the Desktop version of Adobe Reader or Acrobat and the PDF document cannot be accessed off campus, instead use "online version."
- Culinary Arts Collection - Primarily U.S. centered this collection includes 250 major cooking and nutrition magazines. Coverage includes thousands of searchable recipes, restaurant reviews, and industry information. This collection contains over 4,000,000 articles between the years 1980 to present. Permitted Uses: License Info
- CultureGrams Provinces Edition - This edition contains reports on all Canadian provinces and territories. Reports include images, maps, charts, data tables, and fun facts, plus sections on the environment, culture, government, first inhabitants, and more. Permitted Uses: License Info
- CultureGrams World Edition - Cultural reports for more than 200 countries each include categories such as land and climate, history, personal appearance, greetings, dating and marriage, family, diet, housing, holidays, economy, education, and health. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Curio - Stream access to the best in educational content from CBC and Radio-Canada. You'll find documentaries from television and radio, news reports, archival material, excerpts and more View content from shows like Marketplace and The Fifth Estate. Some collections and documentaries are accompanied by teacher resource guides in PDF format.
- Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source - Dental and oral health literature. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Department of Justice - Laws - Look here to find Canada's consolidated Acts and Regulations, and other related documents.
- Diversity Studies Collection - This selected collection of periodicals covers some cultural, gender, and diversity issues. Permitted Uses: License Info
- DSM-5 (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) - DSM-V-TR (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and several textbooks from the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Use Firefox to search this tool. Search will not work with Internet Explorer. Permitted Uses: License Info
- DSP - Statistics Canada Depository of full text documents. Georgian College has free access to many fee-based documents through this link.
- eBook Academic Collection - This growing subscription package contains 132,000 multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter. Permitted Uses: License Info
- EBook Central (formerly Ebrary) - Includes a growing selection of more than 27,000 titles in subjects like business, computer science, and health. Permitted Uses: License Info
- eBook Collection - Offers more than 265,000 eBooks titles on a wide range of subjects.
- Education Research Complete - Covers a wide range of topics from curriculum, administration, and policy to funding and childcare issues. Includes Canadian content. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Educator's Reference - Over 250 journals that contain information about the latest breakthroughs in education. From teaching techniques, technological advances, instruction and development. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Entrepreneurship Collection - This collection provides insights, tips, strategies and success stories for small businesses or entrepreneurs. It is a U.S. centered collection that contains journals from 1980 to the present and contains over 10,000,000 articles. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Environmental Issues and Policy eBooks - Provides access to electronic reference books on the earth, environmental, biological, and agricultural sciences subjects. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Environmental Studies and Policy Collection - A collection of over 800 journals and 6 subject specific Delmar reference titles provide robust coverage of environmental issues and policies, including diverse perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, as well as corporate interests. Permitted Uses: License Info
- ERIC - ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center contains more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 980 educational and education-related journals. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Films on Demand - Contains over 5,000 videos on topics in business, nursing, social sciences, health, science and technical education. Available on and off campus. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Films on Demand: Nursing Video Collection - Contains over 800 videos on nursing. Available on and off campus. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Films on Demand: Technical & Trade Education Video Collection - Contains over 1,000 videos on technical and trade education. Available on and off campus. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Fine Arts and Music Collection - Provides access to scholarly journals and magazines that support research in areas including drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.
- Flipster - Browse digital versions of the latest (and back issues) of specific periodicals subscribed to including Canadian Geographic, Communication Arts, Popular Woodworking, Rolling Stone, etc.
- Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia - This database provides over 25,000 encyclopedic entries covering a variety of subject areas. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Gardening, Landscape & Horticulture Collection - A fertile and growing collection, this collection contains journals focused on issues both practical and scientific, in gardening, landscaping and other areas of horticulture. This collection contains over 3, 000,000 articles between the years 1980 to present. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Gartner Research - The above link will take you to the Student Services page in Georgian's portal site. To access the database, click "Gartner Research" found under Resources. Gartner Research helps equip business leaders with indispensable insights, and data-driven research to achieve their mission-critical priorities and build the successful organizations of tomorrow.
- General Science Collection - This database includes selected general science periodicals including topics such as computers, engineering, and technology. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Georgian's Archives - College Archives: A Collection of images, videos and documents that record the history and events of Georgian College over its 50+ year history.
- Georgian's Students' Reports - Sample reports / tech reports and projects completed by Georgian's students as part of their program requirements. Use these examples for format suggestions and to get ideas.
- GlobalData Explorer
- Grant Connect - Formerly known as Canadian Directory to Foundations and Corporations. Lists over 3,100 foundations that make grants to registered charities and includes over 90,000 indexed grants and 150 corporation listings. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Health & Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI) - Search for checklists, questionnaires, scales, and other behavioural measurement tools. Find articles that use those tools. Actual measurement tool not necessarily available but reference information provided. Limited to 1 simultaneous user. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Health Source: Consumer Edition - This database is the richest collection of consumer health information available to libraries worldwide, providing information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health. Health Source: Consumer Edition features searchable full-text for nearly 300 journals. This database is updated on a daily basis. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition - This database provides more than 550 scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition also features abstracts and indexing for nearly 850 journals. This database is updated on a daily basis. In addition, this database includes the Lexi-PAL Drug Guide, which provides access to up-to-date, concise and clinically relevant drug monographs, covering over 1,000 generic medications, 100 natural products and 19 vaccines. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Hospitality and Tourism Complete - Hospitality & Tourism Index is a bibliographic database covering scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism. This comprehensive database contains more than 440,000 records from 500 titles, with coverage going back to the early 1960s. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure Collection - Well rounded collection with content from industry journals, travel guides and magazines including the cultural aspects of travel, leisure activities as well as the economic implications of tourism. This collection contains over 14,000,000 articles between the years 1980 to present. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Human Kinetics Library - Covers topics in fitness and health, physical activity, nutrition, physiology and psychology of sport and exercise, sport management, and more. Content is limited to ebooks and videos. Use the "Content types" filter to select the type of content.
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library - The IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package provides access to the IEEE's core collection of engineering, electronics, and computer science periodicals including unlimited full-text access to 183 online IEEE society-sponsored journals and magazines, plus complimentary access to the a backfile to 2010 for all new subscribers. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Insurance & Liability Collection - This collection covers a broad scope of the insurance and liability field. Some topics include labour relations, mortgage banking and legal issues. This collection contains over 3, 000,000 articles between the years 1980 to the present. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Irwin Law book collection - A collection of Canadian law books. Newest editions only. To view all titles in the collection, 1. select "Browse", 2. Select "Books & Journals", 3. Select "Irwin Law". 3 concurrent users Permitted Uses: License Info
- Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Complete Collection - The JBI Complete Collection, available through Ovid, provides information which covers a range of nursing, medical and healthcare specialties and includes evidence summaries, systematic reviews, best practice guidelines, and more. The database consists of several specific databases including: JBI EBP Database JBI PACES JBI SUMARI JBI Evidence Synthesis (journal)
- Kanopy - Kanopy offers access to a large, curated catalog of educational, entertaining, and enriching films. Permitted Uses: License Info
- LawSource (see WestlawNext Canada) - LawSource is available via WestlawNext Canada database.
- Lexicomp Online - Medical - Lexicomp Online (medicine) database offers drug information, including interaction checkers, a drug identifier, patient education and toxicology information. It also includes a section on infectious diseases. The Lexicomp Online database provides access to clear point of care drug information, including dosing, administration, warnings and precautions, as well as clinical content such as clinical practice guidelines, and other tools. This database generally enables users to locate information on medications, conditions and/or procedures, international drugs, pregnancy, lactation and more.
- Lexicomp Online for Dentistry - Lexicomp Online for Dentistry provides continually updated dental-specific pharmacology, clinical information and screening tools to help answer prescribing, diagnosis and treatment questions. Lexicomp Online for Dentistry contains over 8,000 prescription drugs, over the counters and natural products, plus tools like a lesion diagnosis aid and a drug interactions/drug allergy screener. It offers a complete collection of dental reference databases such as: Drugs, diseases, toxicology, patient education, laboratory and international drugs.
- LexisNexis PLUS (see Nexis UNI) -
- LinkedInLearning (formerly Lynda.com) - Choose from more than 5,000 video tutorials covering business, creative and technology topics. Access courses on your schedule, from any desktop or mobile device. Log in using your student or employee credentials.
- MAS Ultra School Edition - Designed specifically for high school libraries, this database provides full-text for more than 650 popular general interest and current events publications with information dating as far back as 1975 for key magazines. MAS Ultra - School Edition also provides more than 500 full-text pamphlets, 541 full-text reference books, 84,074 biographies, 86,135 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 107,135 photos, maps and flags. This database is updated daily. Permitted Uses: License Info
- MasterFILE Elite - This database covers general interest, business, health and multicultural topics. Permitted Uses: License Info
- McIntyre Media (Hosted content) - These titles are being hosted by McIntyre Media. Specific streamed content subscribed to by Georgian on a variety of topics. Topics covered include diversity indigenous, business, health and safety health, mental health, etc. Permitted Uses: License Info
- McIntyre Media (Licensed content) - These titles are distributed by McIntyre. Variety of streamed content available that can be used in the classroom. Topics covered include diversity indigenous, business, health and safety health, mental health, etc., from producers such as CTV, Learning Seed, Indiecan Entertainment, Human relations Media, etc.. Permitted Uses: License Info
- MEDLINE - (Ebscohost) Permitted Uses: License Info
- MEDLINE - (Ovid) Over 18 million articles indexed in this database covering medicine, biomedical, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and preclinical sciences topics.
- National Film Board (NFB) (search in Page1+) - Watch documentaries, animations and more available from the National Film Board (NFB). Users can access any online NFB or CAMPUS title. Search for NFB titles in Page 1+. or directly in NFB. Note that NFB also lists titles from partners that may not be accessible. To obtain a token/link to set up a new account, teachers can contact the library for information. Existing accounts are automatically updated. Teachers with a NFB account can create a playlist to share with students.
- Nexis UNI (formerly LexisNexis PLUS) - Provides full-text documents from over 6,000 news, business, legal, medical and reference publications with a variety of flexible search options. For best results use Firefox or Chrome. Permitted Uses: License Info
- NORD - Searchable database for reports on more than 1,150 diseases and syndromes.
- Nursing and Allied Health Premium - Indexes over 250 leading full-text journals covering nursing and allied health. Plus 130 Medcom Video Training programs. Also includes Culture Competency Briefs by ethnicity and religion. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Open Future Learning - Covers a broad range of subject areas while remaining 100% dedicated to the field of intellectual disabilities, with modules on subjects such as Active Support, Person-Centered Approaches Thinking and Planning, Challenging Behavior, and Supported Employment, just to name a few. We collaborate with revolutionary thinkers, the leaders in our field, and incredible storytellers, including: Dave Hingsburger, Beth Mount, Simon Duffy, Bernard Carabellow, Jack Pearpoint, Patti Scott, David Pitonyak, John Raffaele, Dave Hasbury, Linda Kahn, Kathie Snow, Janice Bartley, Joseph Macbeth, Peter Leidy, Julie Beadle-Brown, Myles Himmelreich, and many more! To obtain access information please contact library@georgiancollege.ca
- OVID Databases - Books @ OVID, EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) Reviews, Cochrane Controlled Trials Registered (CCTR), and Cochrane Database of Systematic Review (DSR) are included in this comprehensive database. OVID Emcare is a nursing and allied health database ideal for clinical care practice, research, or education. It provides evidence-based scholarly literature and the latest scientific advancements that support patient treatment and higher quality care. It includes many sources not covered by the MEDLINE or CINAHL databases. OVID Emcare is located in the OVID platform.
- Oxford Art Online - Users can search Grove Art Online and Oxford Art Reference (including: The Oxford Companion to Western Art, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, and The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics). Permitted Uses: License Info
- Oxford Handbooks Online - Collection of authoritative handbooks containing in-depth, high-level scholarly articles. Georgian has access to: Business & Management; Philosophy; Political Science; Psychology. Search results can be filtered by availability for unlocked or free items. For a tutorial on how to use Oxford Handbooks Online, check out their video tutorial. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Plumb's Veterinary Drugs - Created for busy veterinarians and pharmacists, Plumb’s Veterinary Drugs is the leading online resource for accessing up-to-date veterinary drug information. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Pop Culture Collection - This collection provides useful information in the social sciences, music, history, art or liberal arts. This collection is made up of more than 100 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals. This collection contains over 3,000,000 articles between the years 1980 to present. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Project Gutenberg - Contains over 50 000 free ebooks. Available in html, epub or Kindle format. Items no longer fall under copyright protection. Many different subjects included but best known for its literature focus.
- PsycArticles - Contains full text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology from journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA), its imprint the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF), and from allied organizations including the Canadian Psychological Association and the Hogrefe Publishing Group.
- PsycBooks - Collection of full-text scholarly and professional books published by the American Psychological Association (APA) in psychology and the behavioral sciences. Permitted Uses: License Info
- PsychiatryOnline - DSM-5 (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and several textbooks from the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Use Firefox to search this tool. Search will not work with Internet Explorer. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Psychology Collection - This is an extensive collection of undergraduate level psychology articles. It focuses on the developmental study of the mind and human emotion. The database contains over 5 million articles, covering 1980-present, many in full text format. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Psychotherapy.net - Psychotherapy.net just released some terrific titles and offers over 300 videos featuring the leading experts in our field demonstrating psychotherapy and counseling skills. Our videos are used for Psychology, Addiction Treatment, Counseling, Social Work, Human Services and Nursing programs.
- PubMed - Open access medical, biomedical, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, preclinical sciences database. Accessing through this link will allow you to link directly from PubMed into our library holdings. Please note: PubMed is currently working best with PC browsers.
- Quicklaw PLUS - Provides access to the most comprehensive collection available of case law, legislation, exclusive current awareness services, expert commentary and more. Includes Halsbury's Laws of Canada, legal textbooks, legal forms and precedents, quantums, and practice products in various areas of law. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Reference Canada - The Reference Canada Business Directory is a database of 1.5 million Canadian businesses. Search by geographic location, type of business, size of business, number of employees, sales volumes, etc Use to identify competitors, potential employers, B2B lists, direct mail lists etc. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Regs4Ships - Regs4ships Digital Maritime Regulations combines IMO Codes, Conventions and Forthcoming Amendments, ILO protocols and Guidelines and EU Legislation. This all in one, easy to use, searchable database provides an overall regulatory solution. Digital Maritime Regulations are available for 22 of the world's leading Flag States and are updated regularly.
- Religion and Philosophy Collection - This eCollection is a set of approximately 250 magazines and academic journals, plus 12 electronic encyclopedias, which cover the areas of religion, philosophy, ethics, archaeology, and anthropology. Over 90% of the featured titles are available in full-text format. This database is updated daily. Permitted Uses: License Info
- RxTx - Compendium of Pharmaceuticals & Specialties (CPS), E-CPS, drug therapy & patient care. Please note, your browser must allow pop ups. Database times out after 30 min. Not Mac compatible. Permitted Uses: License Info
- SafetyHub - Workplace safety training videos covering a range of topics including: behavioral safety; falls and heights; fire awareness; first aid; forklifts and cranes; hand & power tools; hazardous environments & substances; manual handling; office safety; personal protection; safety basics; vehicles and plant; welding. Canadian content. Best viewed using Chrome or Firefox.
- SAGE Business Cases - Business cases present a specific problem or issue with context. Users are able to analyze the topic based on their specific needs. Topics include operations management, economics, business ethics, entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing, and many more. Faculty contact library@georgiancollege.ca for your instructor code to access teaching notes.
- SAGE Nursing Videos - Features content to support traditional baccalaureate- and masters- level nursing programs. This collection works to support relevant areas of nursing education which includes the topics of nursing theory and history, the social determinants of health, the nursing process and critical thinking, global and population health and evidence-based practice. The content also delivers a series on clinical skills presented in an array of demonstration, tutorial, and practice videos. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Science Direct College Edition - All sciences - technological, engineering, chemical, biological, medical, veterinary and social. All articles are peer reviewed and academic. This source includes ebooks on selected scientific topics. Notice (Mar. 2019): Due to a misconfigured Elsevier server if you have created an individual account on ScienceDirect (Elsevier) using your personal/college email credentials, then change your password for those accounts. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Serials Directory - The Serials Directory provides access to the most up-to-date and accurate bibliographic information as well as current pricing structures for popular serials. This database contains nearly 184,000 U.S. and international titles, including newspapers, historical data for an additional 20,000 titles and data from nearly 83,500 publishers worldwide. Permitted Uses: License Info
- SimplyAnalytics - SimplyAnalytics allows users to define a location and then assemble demographic data describing the inhabitants. This data can then be mapped and analyzed. Data includes: 2011 and 2016 census, household expenditures, and PRIZM. Data can be exported in a variety of formats. Permitted Uses: License Info
- SMART - Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase contains medical images, animations & interactive multimedia. Permitted Uses: License Info
- SocINDEX with Full Text - Comprehensive sociology research database including its many sub-disciplines and closely related areas of study. Full text available for over 700 journals (back to 1908), 800 books and thousands of conference papers. Permitted Uses: License Info
- SPORTDiscus with Full Text - Sport, fitness and sports medicine. Permitted Uses: License Info
- Statistics Canada - Links to Statistics Canada home page. Stats Canada is the national statistical agency. It profiles Canada's business, economy and society.
- Students' Reports (see Georgian's Students' Reports) -
- Turfgrass Information File (TGIF) - On Campus Access Only. Make sure to Click “accept terms” and then “login”.Turfgrass Information File contains over 250,000 records regarding turfgrass educational materials from the Turfgrass Information Center (TIC), a specialized unit at the Michigan State University Libraries.
- Vividata - Provides product & brand-level user demographic information. **On campus access only ** Note: if you type the login credentials incorrectly, there will be delay for future users attempting to login. For access, contact Research Help staff for login & password information.
- Vocation & Careers Collection - Finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career are all topics covered by this collection, providing current and applicable content for all vocational milestones. Offering content from nearly 400 journals and over 7,000,000 articles, this collection provides content from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals. Permitted Uses: License Info
- War & Terrorism Collection - A definitive periodical collection of hand selected titles for analysts, risk management professionals and students of military science, history, social science. This collection contains over 2,000,000 articles between the years 1980 to present. Permitted Uses: License Info
- WestlawNext Canada - Legal database with a comprehensive collection of Canadian case law and legislation, plus finding tools such as The Canadian Encyclopedic Digest and The Canadian Abridgment. Contains KeyCite Canada for noting up cases and legislation and Index to Canadian Legal Literature for finding expert analysis. Also contains Words and Phrases for finding judicial interpretations of legal terms. Use Chrome when remotely connecting from home. See Chrome icon above for tip sheets.
- World History Collection - A well-rounded coverage of current events in World History, as well as scholarly thought and work being established in the field, which is useful to both a beginner or advanced researcher. This collection contains over 200,000 articles between the years 1980 to present. Permitted Uses: License Info
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