Math help is available by booking an appointment in Navigate 360 and drop-in visits. See the hours for the Barrie and Owen Sound Math Centers.
Check our hours page for available times. Check Navigate 360 for online appointments.
View the library hours for drop-in times
Book an appointment for math help in Navigate 360
Or for step-by-step detailed step-by step instructions
If you need help booking an appointment, please email us at
Appointments are up to 60 minutes long. You may have up to 120 minutes of math help per week
Be prepared to share your work electronically. Although we won't help with your assignment, we may refer to it for clarification on concepts you need assistance with. Have a specific goal in mind for your session.
You can cancel your appointment up to 24 hours before your appointment time.
To cancel your appointment:
Yes, check out our Math Tools resources. The Learning Portal has a Math Hub with resources.
Here’s a special bonus. Dan, our math technologist, has created screencasts. Check them out.
Tutoring is a free service that helps students flourish academically.
Book an appointment for tutoring in Navigate 360
If you need help booking an appointment, please email us at
Appointments are upto 60 minutes long. depending on a student's needs. You may have up to 120 minutes of course tutoring per week.
Have a specific goal in mind for your session. Come prepared with your questions and your resources (textbooks, lecture notes, etc.). Although tutors won't help you with your assignment, they may want to refer to it for clarification on concepts you need assistance with.
You can cancel your appointment up to 24 hours before your appointment time.
To cancel your appointment:
Of course! Tutoring is available online. Just make sure to consider your time zone if you're not local and that of your tutor to make sure you don’t miss an appointment. Here’s a time zone converter to help with matching times.
You may book a maximum of 60 minutes of tutoring per day and 120 minutes of tutoring per week via one-on-one appointments. There is no limit for drop-in tutoring each week.
Online tutoring is provided using WebEx or Microsoft Teams.
No. Tutors are not allowed to assist you with your assignment or assessment (test, exam, etc.). Tutors are required to report breaches of academic integrity to their Academic Success team lead. Review Georgian’s regulation on academic integrity for further information.
Tutors will coach you using tips and strategies to improve and build your learning and study skills. Each tutoring session will have specific and realistic goals that you help create.
Tutors must always adhere to Georgian’s academic integrity philosophy.
Check your Blackboard course shells. Your professors will identify resources that you can access. You can also check out the resources suggested by the student success advisors.
If you are interested in becoming a tutor, check out the tutor job description for more information
If you choose to hire a tutor not from the college, make sure you negotiate a contract. The contract should include how many hours of tutoring, pay rate, how long each tutoring session is, start and end date of contract, etc. Don’t forget that you are responsible to maintain the academic integrity of your work.
Writing help is available by booking an appointment in Navigate 360 and drop in vists. See the hours for the Barrie, Orillia and Owen Sound Writing Centers.
You can also submit a paper for feedback. Our writing technologists will review up to 30% of your paper and provide feedback within 1 to 3 business days. Tell us your name, student number, email, and program.
If our form isn't working for you, email us at with the following required information.
You can attach the assignment instructions for clarification and tell us what you would like feedback on.
We will return your paper with our feedback within 1 to 3 business days after you submit the paper. For example, if you submit the paper on a Monday, you'll get the paper back no later than Thursday.
One of our writing technologists looks at your paper and concentrates on 30% (or 1/3) of your paper. If you've identified where you need feedback, e.g. APA formatting, they will focus on what you want. All feedback will be in the form of comments within your document.
Within MSWord, make sure you are in the "Review" ribbon. You may need to select "Show Comments" or make sure that "All Markup" is selected. Select each comment and "Delete" it. What you need to do depends on if you are using a desktop or web version of MSWord.
Book an appointment for writing Help in Navigate 360.
Or for step-by-step detailed instructions
If you need help booking an appointment, please email us at
Appointments are up to 60 minutes long. You may have up to 120 minutes of writing help per week.
Be prepared to share your work electronically. Have your assignment ready in case we need clarification. Have a specific goal in mind for your session.
You can cancel your appointment up to 24 hours before your appointment time.
To cancel your appointment:
No, but we will show you how to proofread.
Use our APA Citing Guide to help. APA also has a website with many useful examples and explanations. Or connect with the Writing Centre.
Organization and time management are key to being successful in an online course. Check out the resources suggested by Georgian's student success advisors.
More information on study skills can be found on The Learning Portal's Study Skills hub
Math help, writing help, and tutoring are free services to all Georgian and Lakehead-Georgian students.
This is a new experience and we get it can feel overwhelming. Have you considered other student services? Perhaps contact or your student advisor. In the meantime, don’t forget to take care of yourself. There are many mental health and wellness services available to students.