When searching the databases or the web:
Some suggested subject search terms:
Hospitality & Tourism Complete: •golf courses •golf resorts •golf tournaments
Master File Elite: • golf • golf coaching •golf-equipment and supplies •golf-drive •golf-psychological aspects •golf clubs [i.e.,facilities]
SportsDiscus: •golf drive •golf training •golf course architects •golf courses-irrigation •golf courses-maintenance
Some specialized databases are only accessible on campus. Please ask information staff to log you in, or for more information.
On Campus Access Only. Canadian media information, including: advertising rates and related data for Canadian newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations; includes selected International media. To see definitions of CARD's filters, select the black exclamation icon above.
Permitted Uses: License Info
For access, contact Research Help staff for login & password information.
ComScore measures digital space - Georgian subscribes to the AdMetrix, Mobile Metrix, and Media Metrix modules that measure website usage. The data is of use to advertisers & agencies, industry players and those involved in competitive analysis. comScore is a tool used to identify where [the websites] an advertiser ran ads for specific products [including creatives used in the campaign]; top advertisers within an industry, and their related products.Provides full-text documents from over 6,000 news, business, legal, medical and reference publications with a variety of flexible search options. Permalinks/stable links currently not working. For best results use Firefox or Chrome.
Permitted Uses: License Info
Provides product category user demographic information.
For access, contact library@georgiancollege.ca for login & password information.
Current stories from CNN's Golf news feed . . .