Image Collections

Educational use of Images

Educational Use of Images

These guidelines outline the use of images for educational purposes. Information is intended for Georgian College students, staff and faculty only.

General guidelines:

  • Check and abide by licenses
  • Avoid pay-for-access images
  • Limit access to content via Blackboard
  • Cite/Reference/Attribute

Consult the Copyright guide or email the Copyright Team - for help.

Image Use: Resources

Image Use: Resources

Finding openly licensed images on the web

Images or artistic works that are clearly marked as Public Domain, shared under Creative Commons licenses and some images from web-based image collections such as Unsplash, Pixabay, and Pexels may be used for both decorative and educational purposes. Openly licensed images provide a great way to enhance lessons, slides/presentations, screen casts and videos or lecture recordings provided that you meet the following conditions:

  • Check images from web-based collections carefully to ensure an open license (see notes on particular collections below)
  • Review and adhere to the terms of use or license requirements noted with the image
  • Provide attribution (recommended even if not required by the website)

Creative Commons Image Collections

The following image collections feature Public Domain, shared under Creative Commons licenses licensed images. These images may be used for personal or educational purposes. Check images and website terms of use/licenses for specific permissions and restrictions.

Image Collections with Free Images

In the following collections, you'll need to review each image you use carefully, as the websites mix paid-access, subscription and free images. Look for options to filter your search by "Free". While "free" images on these sites may not require attribution, we recommend always providing an attribution or reference, to model best information practices and give credit to the creators and photographers.