OER at Georgian

Cite it! Giving credit to copyright owners or creators

Unless a video is specifically licensed as being

  • in the public domain
  • covered by a Creative Commons license (Such as: CC0, CC BY, CC BY-NC)

It is covered by Copyright, even if there is no specific copyright statement visible.

  • Public domain and CC licensed videos can be reproduced in your OER with appropriate attribution (unless otherwise noted)
  • Copyrighted materials may be reproduced if the use is considered fair (please check with the Copyright team)
  • Videos can be embedded (using an embed code) from their original location as long as you verify that the video is posted by the copyright owner AND the licensing/Terms of Use of the source website allow it

One important element when embedding content into your OER is to ensure that it is "marked" so that the user/reader is not confused about who the material belongs to.

How do we tackle this?
Provide a citation or attribution statement immediately under the video or at the bottom of the page to give credit!

Embedding video sources

Best practices for using YouTube or Vimeo videos in the classroom OR in your OER:

  • Verify that the video has been uploaded by the copyright owner
  • Check to see if the video is CC licensed (this is sometimes noted in the description)
  • Use the YouTube embed code to create a playable copy of the video in your OER (accessed online without downloading)
  • Verify that the video is still available and working at regular intervals
  • Give credit! Provide a citation or attribution statement that identifies the original source

Videos that are not posted by the copyright owner may violate copyright and should be avoided.

Please check with the Library's copyright team ( library@georgiancollege.ca ) if you have questions or concerns.

Can I use videos from the Library's collection in my class or put it on eReserve?

  • Most library video content is licensed for classroom use -  please check with the Library's copyright team ( library@georgiancollege.ca ) for help verifying licensing permissions for any special circumstances or questions

Can I embed a video from the Library's collection in my OER?

Library licensed materials are not generally appropriate for inclusion in your OER because:

  • OERs are published freely on the web - anyone can access them, but most will not have the correct Library login / credentials to access the videos
  • Videos from Library databases typically require the user to log into a Library resource
  • Videos may be licensed for posting in Blackboard, but not freely on the web

Please contact the Library ( library@georgiancollege.ca ) for help verifying licensing permissions or to find a suitable alternative to using this material in your OER.

Films or videos accessed through personal subscriptions such as:

  • Netflix
  • Amazon Prime
  • iTunes
  • Crave
  • Tubi
  • Hulu

Do not permit for the public performance of content.  This limitation is a contractual obligation that is agreed to when the individual alone signs up for their services. These videos may not be shown in class, as part of your online/synchronous lecture, or embedded into Blackboard. These subscriptions are not recommended for inclusion in OER.


This guide was designed solely for informational purposes for Georgian College students, faculty & staff.

All other users are encouraged to check and confirm the information with their institution.

This site is prepared by library staff and is not reviewed by legal counsel.

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