Practical Nursing

Practical nursing

Types of Articles in CINAHL

Types of Articles in Nursing Literature

Research – Structured description of a research study written by the original researcher(s).  These articles are primary sources of information.  They always include the characteristics of a methodology, that is how the study was conducted, what instruments were used, a data analysis, a conclusion and references.

Literature Review – Written summary of the state of existing knowledge about a specific topic or issue.  These articles are secondary sources of information because they are descriptions of studies prepared by someone other than the original researcher.

Systematic Review – Comprehensive, unbiased analysis of primary research findings that address specific clinical questions and use strict scientific design to systematically select and assess various related scientific studies.

Continuing Education Unit – A measurement used in continuing professional development to award credit for participation in workshops and seminars that include some form of response, interaction or participation and sponsored by an approved provider.

Case Study – In depth, retrospective and real life exploration of a situation created for the purpose of gaining understanding into the issues being investigated.  It also involves the collection of data through observation, interviews and the collection of documentary evidence.

Clinical Exemplar – Stories of skilled nursing practice about a specific patient care experience.  They can be used to demonstrate acquisition of new knowledge or describe effective teaching or coaching.  Overall, they reflect the interpersonal, ethical and clinical judgement that nurse make in practice.

Commentary – An informed evaluation, interpretation or analysis of a particular subject.  Commentaries frequently critique previously published articles. 

  • Anecdotal – Clinical impression or personal narrative relating an incident which may serve to broaden understanding of a research problem or illustrate a point.

Editorial – States an author’s opinion or point of view on a particular topic.  They are usually short in length, have no references and are often written by members of the publication’s staff.

Vignette Study – Simulation of real events which can be used in research studies to elicit subjects’ knowledge, attitudes or opinions according to how they state they would behave in the depicted hypothetical situation.

Column – Brief article which outlines perspectives, provides information on a particular topic, or answers “reader” questions by a column editor. eg) clinical practice column. 

Position Paper – Detailed policy report which usually explains, justifies, or recommends a particular course of action.   Often there is discussion of scopes of practice, core competencies and issues for consideration.

Conference/Symposium Proceedings – Reports of the findings presented at conference sessions given by practitioners in a given profession.  Many times nurses relay information from conferences in these articles.

Research or Evidence Summaries – Summaries synthesize existing research or summarize research evidence.  They represent formal ways of pulling research together from a number of published sources, eg) Evidence-based resources from the Joanna Briggs Institute.

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