Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence machine learning deep learning artificial neural network data mining natural language processing robotics mechatronics

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is the design, implementation, and use of programs, machines, and systems that show human intelligence, with its major activities being knowledge representation, reasoning, and learning. Although it is important to note there is no one agreed upon definition of artificial intelligence and it can vary according to the disciplines it works within. Artificial intelligence includes a number of important sub-fields:

  • Voice recognition
  • Image identification
  • Natural language processing
  • Expert systems
  • Neural networks
  • Planning
  • Robotics
  • Intelligent agents.


From: Salem Encyclopedia of Science. (2020). Artificial intelligence. Retrieved from

This video on artificial intelligence introduces you to the topic with a fun and simple approach.  It defines artificial intelligence, how it's different from machine learning and deep learning and discusses its features, types and scope.  The video also looks at some of the interesting applications of artificial intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence
View What is Artificial Intelligence? on Youtube

Artificial Intelligence Resources

These eBooks provide an overview of some of the concepts, skills and issues involved in artificial intelligence.  EBooks on more specific topics within artificial intelligence will be provided in the AI Topics section of this research guide.  Besides reading books, the most current and leading edge information is derived from conference proceedings.  The IEEE Xplore Digital Library and the ACM Digital Library databases offer the latest conference proceedings on artificial intelligence.

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