This guide is representative of the 7th edition Publication Manual of APA and focuses on a student paper structure.
APA examples are not exhaustive and focus on referencing and citations. Assistance from your professor and/or Writing Centre is suggested for clarification.
Users are responsible for interpretation of APA style guidelines and to seek further assistance when necessary.
Effective September 2020.
For further clarification on formatting, refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Referrals within this guide to the Publication Manual are indicated with the title of the publication in italics.
This guide also refers to the APA Style website for additional examples and explanation.
All reference list entries examples use Arial 14 pt font for readability. Otherwise, the guide attempts to follow proper formatting style but the guide software application may limit some capabilities.
Examples given are formatted (font, capitalization, punctuation, italics, etc.) according to APA 7th edition.
Sample formats are provided when needed. Replace with the specifics of your item and maintain the formatting.
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Cut off dates for change submissions:
In order to ensure consistency for faculty & students, updates, corrections & changes to this guide will happen only between semesters.
Please submit your request by the following dates to ensure it is considered for the next update:
Fall semester - August 8th
Winter semester - December 8th
Summer semester - May 8th
All requests submitted will be logged and if applicable, changes will be made during the next semester turn around.
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