This guide is representative of the 7th edition Publication Manual of APA and focuses on a student paper structure.
APA examples are not exhaustive and focus on referencing and citations. Assistance from your professor and/or Writing Centre is suggested for clarification.
Users are responsible for interpretation of APA style guidelines and to seek further assistance when necessary.
Effective September 2020.
Blog Post:
Reference list entry:
Lee, C. (2020, February 19). A tale of two reference formats. APA Style.
Reference list entry:
Sonia Margea. (2020, March 10). Hi! I am a graphic design student and for every project that we made, we have to do a document that includes [Comment on the blog "A tale of two reference formats"]. APA Style.
Note: Use the commenter's name as it appears on the post. It could be a real name or username.
For all of the examples above, the in-text citation follows the same format. Refer to the Publication Manual, Section 8.17 for explanation with multiple authors.
Parenthetical citation format: (last name of author(s), year)
e.g. (Lee, 2020)
e.g. (Sonia Margea, 2020)
Narrative citation format: include the author's or authors' names in the sentence, with the date in brackets
e.g. Lee (2020) wrote...
e.g. Sonia Margea (2020) commented...
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