This guide is representative of the 7th edition Publication Manual of APA and focuses on a student paper structure.
APA examples are not exhaustive and focus on referencing and citations. Assistance from your professor and/or Writing Centre is suggested for clarification.
Users are responsible for interpretation of APA style guidelines and to seek further assistance when necessary.
Effective September 2020.
Some of Georgian's programs have program resources such as puppets, manipulatives or games. These are not considered to be formally published in the same way a book, article or statistic would be.
Below are a few examples of how you might cite one of these items, if required.
When attempting to cite a game from the library collection, look up the item in MultiSearch.
The detailed record for a library item in MultiSearch will display the information needed to prepare a reference list entry.
Screenshot source: MultiSearch, August 2016.
Reference list entry:
Calder, T., & Vaughan, J. (2007). Sensory diet cards [Game]. Super Duper Publications.
When citing a kit from the library collection (eg, book and related puppets), look up the item in MultiSearch
The detailed record for a library item in MultiSearch will display the information needed to prepare a reference list entry.
Screenshot source: MultiSearch, August 2016
Reference List Entry:
Wood, A., & Wood, D. (2004). The napping house [Kit]. Harcourt Children's Books.
Note: You can cite the picture book from the kit separately.
For all of the examples above, the in-text citation follows the same format unless noted with the example. Refer to the Publication Manual, Section 8.17 for explanation with multiple authors.
Parenthetical citation format: (last name of author(s), year)
e.g. (Calder & Vaughan, 2007)
Narrative citation format: include the author's or authors' names in the sentence, with the date in brackets
e.g. Calder and Vaughan (2007) developed.....